On some seasons of BatG the beauties will have a hidden smart side. Not this season, though, apparently. In tonight's episode they are playing flag football and the biggest concern of one of the girls was that she would get dirty or that her outfit wouldn't match. One of the guys' biggest concerns? That he would break his glasses. And that is why I love this show. I love nerds. I really, really do. I love the sincerity and earnestness of these guys. I love how they are so deadpan all the time. I love humor where you can't tell if it's humor. I love quotes like, "I prefer my games to be pure....like chess....or a rubik's cube"
The girls are interchangeable and look the same. But the guys. How can I pick a favorite?
Is it Jim, the aforementioned cube aficionado? This kid is 21! Why does he look 45?
Is it Matt? His glasses situation makes me uncomfortable and I imagine I would have a hard time looking him in the face.
Is it Tommy? The token cute nerd and self-proclaimed sweater vest enthusiast whose presence will make the girls reconsider their stereotype of nerds. He already made out with one of them. Play on playa.
I am writing this blog and watching at the same time. A girl just got eliminated and learned the lesson they all seem to learn: "You just need to give beauties a chance. And geeks the same"