Some of the people who read this blog know that I have a tendency towards what could best be described as gullibility. I watch a good Discovery channel special and I am easily swayed towards whatever the strongest point made was. The Shroud of Turin is my usual example of this, because I watched a special on PBS one time and was immediately convinced that the Shroud of Turin is, in fact, the burial cloth of Jesus. People make fun of me. People don't believe me. My roommate and I got in a fight about it. Then we watched another special about the shroud of turin. I no longer believe that it is Jesus' burial shroud, now I believe that it was a fake created by Da Vinci. That's all it takes, a good special.
This gullibility is why I won't get my thetan levels tested when I see the Scientologists in the subway, I just know I'll walk away praising Xenu. It is why, to the annoyance of friends, that after I spend some time on the PETA website I spout off facts about pigs' intelligence and the health risks associated with dairy. (Which incidentally, my roommate and I got in a fight about, too.).
The point in this background is that when The Secret came along last year, I deliberately avoided it, knowing what would happen. I even mentioned in a blog that I was amused by people who were so into The Secret. Well, now I have all this time on my hands and a library card, so you can imagine what has happened.
Take away the bs about The Universe and all you have is your basic positive thinking. It's nothing revolutionary, which the illustrious Rhonda Byrne even points out: People have been using the power of the secret for centuries! But what I like about it is the concept that you attract to yourself what you put out there. When things happen to me, often times people will say, You're the only person I know who this would happen to. (Ex: Target Incident, That time I got arrested, pretty much every date I've ever been on). But if it works that way, it can work in my favor right?
So I have taken some of the things that stress me out about being unemployed: Lack of Money and Concern over finding a job, and turned them over to The Secret. And it's working! Money has literally showed up out of thin air. Not a lot, but enough to keep me going and not behind on my rent. Yesterday I was going to call some jobs that I had applied for to follow up, but I decided to wait. I took a nap, woke up and had two job interview requests! I don't even have to DO anything and the secret provides.
Which brings us to the latest gift (?) from the secret. Dating. Although I have been in an on-again off-again very casual relationship for the last 10 months, I have also been looking for something more serious. I have had some Serious. Major. oh-my-god-I-can't-believe-he-said-that Failures. And then an anonymous commenter shows up on my blog. My Site Meter sleuthing tells me he is from Staten Island. He references people I enjoy and asks me out for a drink. Has the secret brought someone into my life via blog? Or has the secret actually just brought me yet another creep who will invite me on vacation way before it's appropriate and in general just not get it. More importantly, should I accept?
I can say one thing definitively though: This would only happen to me.
Ever read Griffin and Sabine? It’s a trilogy of books that documents the improbable relationship between two people through written correspondence. The letters and postcards are terribly intimate. There’s something about reading a document that someone had to actually write—not type—that has significant power. I bring it up because I wanted to mention to you that I’m enamored with the idea of becoming attracted to someone through words—which is what’s happened here.
Do I exist? Yes.
Am I good person? Yes.
Would you laugh when I’m around? Yes.
Will I be that guy who actually is straight up and honest with you at all the important moments? Hell yes.
What do I want? A drink with an interesting woman. That’s all. In a public setting if it helps.
But maybe it’s too early for that. Maybe it would be better to just write back and forth for a while. Delaying our inevitable meeting because I actually want to get to know you before I ever see you.
No doubt you’ve been down this road before via Craigslist or some other online dating service. I’m asking for a little time to get to know you and vice versa. Because if it’s meant to be then we’ll meet.
If you’ve had half as much fun reading this as I’ve had writing it, then I’ve had twice as much fun writing it as you’ve had reading it.
PS--My e-mail is smithstreetbrooklyn@hotmail.com.
i enjoy your frequent posts now that classes have ended!
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