Frank told me today that he is moving out because he got a job in D.C. He will be out by Feb 1 at the latest. For me, this means:
A complete elimination of snapping, clapping and laughing excessively at tv shows.
A 50% reduction in smoking inside.
A 50% reduction of poop stains in my toilet.
A 25% reduction in dirty dishes left in the sink for an excessive amount of time.
A complete elimination of football and ESPN watching.
A 25% increase in household cleanliness.
A complete elimination of my-milk-drinking.
A 25% reduction in awkward common area silences.
A complete elimination of loud nose blowing.
A 50% reduction in smoker's cough.
And, unfortunately, a 25% reduction in blog material.
I am going to head the steering committee on finding a roommate that I actually like. I am pretty sure that Asperger's and Stoner don't give a shit.
Hopefully this will work towards alleviating my crushing depression.
In other news, my episode of Judge Karen re-ran on Thursday. So my parents and my sister finally got to see it. Unfortunately, my friend Alex in Eugene who was the only person I knew for sure could figure out how to put it on the internets drunked out and forgot to DVR it. He did write me an email saying he was sorry...but that doesn't bring Judge Karen back, does it Alex?!?! Anyway, that's the sad news for those of you to whom I keep making empty promises of an internet showing. My mom thinks she may be able to do it...we'll see.
ALSO someone came to my blog after googling "judge karen bedbugs". How awesome is that? They saw my episode and were curious to learn more about this case. Fortunately for them my blog is a wealth of material on both bedbugs AND Judge Karen. I'm on my way to the big time, friends.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all those readers out there for failing at my job to tape Judge Karen. I REALLY wanted to, but I had the terrible kind of day which can only be remedied by 7 hours of binge drinking, and forgot to set my DVR. Although the one good thing to come out of this situation is that I won't be ironically taken to court by Judge Karen for illegally reproducing and distributing copyrighted material.
haha I need to quit writing about people who I didn't know read my blog. I hope my roommates also secretly read it.
The show should air again on Monday, January 22 in the second run.
Tune in Alex!
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