Well, spring has sprung here in Brooklyn. Or, at least is in the process of springing. I just got back from a bike ride in prospect park, which is one of my very favorite things to do when it is nice. This bike ride was practice for my little duathlon, because it's gonna be in the park. The duathlon is on the 5th, and let me tell you that is just sneaking right up on me. And my bike ride made me nervous because I am going to have to ride about twice as far as I did today AFTER running two miles and THEN running another two miles. But I have registered myself, so if I don't do it I will have wasted $60. My friends have said they want to come support me. I'm not sure I can talk them out of it but I am worried I won't finish or something and I'll have all these people supporting me when I just want to curl up and cry. On the other hand, it would be kind of sad when I finish to just be like...welp...guess I'll...uh...go home...take a shower or something...maybe get a snack...ok... Anyway that's the duathlon update. My sports injury is doing better. My progress is slow but steady. Can't ask for more I suppose.
I have had a little bit of blogger's block...a dating hiatus will do that to a girl. I suppose I could pull some old ones out of the hat, but meh. I actually just today remembered a dating disaster I had totally forgotten about, but I am not sure if the person reads my blog so you will just never know. Sowwy.
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