Wednesday, April 2, 2008

sleep never comes to you, it's the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak

I cannot sleep because I accidentally took a nap at 7. So I am going to take the opportunity to recommend the following blogs.
What Claudia Wore
Sidewalk Psychiatry.

I will also cut and paste an im conversation I just had with my sister:
Me: I need to go to sleep soon.
Ashley: Take some nyquil
Me: I don't have any.
Ashley: Think of unicorns!
Me: That's what mom used to tell me!
Did she tell you that too??
Ashley: When I had nightmares.
Me: Rainbows and Unicorns
Ashley: Unicorns and Rainbows. (At the same time)
Me: hahaha
Ashley: hahaha
Ashley: Oh mom
Me: I did not know she told you that, too.
Ashley: Apparently that was her stock answer.
Me: Way to individualize mom.

I also leave you with this question: Why don't I think of awesome blogs like an analysis of the fashions of the babysitter's club.
Fun Fact: Claudia kept stashes of candy all over her room. Stacey was diabetic. Claudia to Stacey: Fuck you.


Marissa said...

Claudia was always my favorite. I loved her Cosby sweaters and scrunchies... so artsy! If I was Claudia I totally would have said "fuck you" to stacey. Prissy bitch.

Anonymous said...

The babysitters still creep into my daily if I use paper towels instead of a dish cloth to wipe up messes, I think of Dawn and her environmental attitude and how she would ALWAYS use a dish towel.
