Monday, September 8, 2008

Judge Karen

My Episode Airs 9/16! Here it's on the CW at 1:30. I hope I can get my DVR by then!


AndSheWas said...

I made my bf dvr your court appearance and I watched it after work - I thought those overhead projector things were a nice touch. You were a very polite claimant! (sp?)

Caitastrophe said...

Thank you! They cut out some of the best parts. Including when she told me I had too many pillows for my bed.
Now I just need to figure out how to get it onto Youtube, which is turning out to be harder than it seems. Then I can bring JK to the masses.

Business Horse said...

If you do, hope that Judge Karen isn't scouring Youtube for any mention of her name, because I'm sure somebody has a copyright claim on that show and it isn't you. Not that there would be a problem, but they'd take it down.

Which isn't a problem if it's not going to be much effort. What problem are you having getting it to Youtube?

Caitastrophe said...

Well I thought you could just connect your DVR to your computer with just a USB cable...but now it looks like you need some special converter something and a computer program? idk. it can't be that hard since every retarded 14 year old in america seems capable of doing it. But I may just not have the right equipment.

Business Horse said...

I don't have a DVR so I am not completely sure, but I'm sure Google might have the answer for you. And if you just need a converter program, I'm sure it will show up there.

AndSheWas said...

Dazzle is a tool you can use to digitize such things, but it costs $50.

Business Horse said...

You don't have to pay for anything on the internet these days.

AndSheWas said...

Vern - please introduce me to this capitalist-free utopia you speak of.