Saturday, October 18, 2008

Your own personal hell

Mom: i got tired of the pile on my desk and dumped it in a box--:(
so now i have to sort the box
me: hahaha
i'm sorry
2:30 PM Mom: when i die and go to hell i am sure it will be a place with papers to deal with
2:31 PM me: ha mine would be filled with supervisors and awkward people
oh, wait...

What is your personal hell?


Anonymous said...

passive aggressive hairy-footed lesbian supervisors who are shorter than me and get really into inspirational "team" chants, the heartburn I had when I was pregnant, Everybody Loves Raymond, and buses where people carrying dripping dead chickens pack on like sardines and don't move as you try to get off. Oh, and and possibly a never-ending car alarm.

AndSheWas said...

My personal hell is not knowing if I got this job I interviewed for. The suspense is making me so sick that if Bealzubub himself came to me and offered the answer in exchange for my first-born, I'd gladly agree and give him a reacharound to boot.