Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nerding out

I need to be doing some work, so I was reading, which is nerdy enough to start. And I read this post about fish who can supposedly count because they will go with groups of 4 fish versus 3 fish. And I was like, what, no, that does not mean they can count, that just means they can see that a group of fish is bigger. So then I'm like, what kind of a nerd cares if fish can count or just perceive size? Turns out, me and about 30 other boingboing readers who commented echoing my sentiments.
And that is your daily nerd alert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha I remember reading your blog in college when that girl got kicked off of Average Joe because she had gone on a date with Fabio. We also discussed it in depth at Phonathon.
