Friday, July 18, 2008

ok, ok, i'll update

I came back last night from a to0-short trip back to Oregon to see the fam. It was too short of a trip and I am kind of feeling like I really want to go back next June maybe.
So I got the job that I had interviewed for....I would be more excited about it if they didn't keep pushing the date back of when I could start. It makes me feel like the agency is disorganized or inconsiderate and makes me worry about what it will be like when I start. Regardless, I start August 4th.
And thus will end 25 months of unemployment.
Honestly, I am getting kind of tired of unemployment, which I feel sacreligious saying, but there it is. And to respond to Melanie, yes I did used to play online bingo for cash and prizes. And yes, I still do. And yes, there are at least two people in every room I go to with "nana" or "grandma" in their screenname.
My internet is inconsistent in this new place, which is part of the reason that I haven't updated. Also it's hot as balls and it stifles my creativity.
But I will try to think of funny things to blog about. Possibly dating. I just went on one of the more awkward dates I've ever been on. Nothing like painfully shy computer nerds trying to throw out sexual innuendo.


Marissa said...

dude. your date sounds hot. I've been getting dicked around by the state for the last three months with employment. You'd think, with my husband and several friends already in the system, that this would go a little quicker. It does not bode well for my future dealings with gov't bureaucracy.
You were in my dream last night. Charming and amusing, as always.

Caitastrophe said...

Ugh, well you look cute in your job interview pic, so they would obviously be nuts not to hire you...unless they want to be short one office hottie