Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A producer from The People's Court just called me re: my case. More as this story develops.

Update: The producer is going to contact my landlord and then let me know. Since he wouldn't have to pay anything, I'm sure he'll eat it up. Stay tuned!

Update #2: Turns out this isn't quite as fun as I had hoped. My roommate is really really angry with me for suing the landlord. Like, really angry. She does not think we'll get our security deposit back, thinks we won't be able to use him as a reference and is just generally irate. She has apparently listened to the landlord too much and also does not think it's his responsibility. She has blamed me from the start, like I went to the crackhouse and bought bedbugs though, so I'm not really surprised. However, it has started to make me doubt my convictions. Anyone with some legal knowledge or general free time can feel free to do some research. Am I doing the right thing?


Marissa said...

I've already got my vcr queued up for greatness.
It's The Secret! The Seeeeecreeeet!

Anonymous said...

yesss. AMAZING. do keep us posted!

Marissa said...

Here's a link to a similarish dilemma for comparison purposes.

Bedbugs are so in right now.

Marissa said...

oh yeah that totally didn't work at all
try this

Anonymous said...

You MUST go on People's Court.

This isn't legal advice, obviously, but this website says that landlords are required to provide extermination when necessary:

You should try to talk to a lawyer or free legal services organization about your actual lawsuit. I have no clue about the suit in the People's Court, however.

Anonymous said...

Landlords are typically responsible for extermination issues. Check the particular outlines of your lease. If there is nothing stated, let the judge decide.

AndSheWas said...

I swear I just checked your blog a couple of days ago, and I came back today and I'm all confused - People's Court? A secret admirer? WTF is going on?

I don't know your roommate, maybe you two are friends, maybe not, but I would tell her to calm down about the whole thing and to butt out. She has been an unwilling ally in this entire bedbug debacle, and for her to have the chudspa to condemn you for seeking compensation is outrageous.

You have every right to sue your landlord (I've had problems with mine, so I know how frustrating it can be). You may have visited this already, but check out for additional info.

Wow, I suppose crimes against tenants drain all the snarky wit out of me.