Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Romance Update

Since in the last 12 hours I have received about 3 times as many hits as I usually get in a week, I thought I might let y'all know what's going on with my mystery admirer.
I spent time speculating with my mom and with various friends about who this character might be. We decided that he is under 35. A dude. Literate. Either has a job or is unemployed. Either is crazy or not. Either attractive or unattractive. The email address given suggests Brooklyn, not Staten Island as his actual locale. There was also some concern that this is someone I know, or worse, one of my many failed dating endeavors trying to come back in a different way. Also, some of my friends suggested that it may be completely fake as there was some deception in the Griffin and Sabine books, which I have not read since I was 13 so cannot remember.
Anyway, I emailed him. A brief email leaving the door open for him to share what information about himself he wishes and providing not much more in the way of info about myself as we are clearly on an uneven playing field.


Anonymous said...

Just so all you interested observers know, I wrote her back. I was erudite, charming and a little self-indulgent. I promise all of you that I'm real and I have nothing but the most honest of intentions with your fair Caitlin.

Anonymous said...

i really hope you're not some douche. for caitlin's sake, of course.