Sunday, May 4, 2008


I am obsessed with this blog One D at a time.
She posted today about the Schappell twins, and I highly recommend you read the post. Everything she writes about these twins is stuff I would say, and thus I believe provides immense insight into the core of my being. Seriously. I don't even know how to articulate that I think that my interest in freaks is possibly one of my most defining characteristics. Also, I just enjoy the blog in general so you should read it.
I have too many thoughts to blog about...but yes, the rumors are true, I am done with graduate school. Mostly I am just drained and confused and looking for a job, and there is too much to say about all of it blog about.
So I will write about my embarrassing political ignorance. Obama won the caucus in Guam. Guam has a caucus? Does that mean they have an election? Do they have electorates? They are not a state...does that mean Puerto Rico votes too? I do not understand. I am so woefully ignorant about all of this that it's shameful. This is the same thing that happened when I realized I could name all of the Duggar children and no one on the supreme court. I know all of this information about these conjoined twins and apparently nothing about our democratic process.
Also, I have a commentary about message board speak. Recently I have become personally offended by words I dislike (baby bump, snark, etc.). It turns out that that includes message board speak. I enjoy a LOLcat as much as the next girl. I can even slightly deal with things like "Pwned" etc. What I do not like are terms that they use on the weight watchers message boards as well as other message boards I have seen. DH=dear husband. DD=Dear daughter and so on. wtf? who would say that in real life. I think it makes the people who write that seem condescending and obnoxious. I'm getting angry just thinking about the type of person I imagine who would ever refer to their spouse as "my dear husband". I just got a little nauseous thinking that some people probably even say "dear hubby". Sick. I can't handle it. Why is it so distressing to me? No idea.
In happy readers will be pleased to note that because I am done with school and placement that I have re-entered unemployment. Can we look forward to another 6 months where Caitlin does nothing but watch cartoons, make crafts and write blogs about her thoughts?! We can only hope. But I think we would all agree that my blogs are best when I don't have a job, so get geared up.


Marissa said...

Add "The Wife" to that list. I wasn't aware people said it outside sitcoms from the 50s and my granddad but evidently it still runs rampant. On message boards do dudes say "teh wives"? hmmm....

melly said...

I know exactly who these twins are and remembered that Rich from fourfour saw them on the street:
Then I tried to name the Supreme Court justices and failed.

AndSheWas said...

I happened to click on your id at one d at a time and your blog is hilarious! And that bedbug post? Terrifying.