Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Judge Karen day is tomorrow!

I think it's the Secret's doing. I have a job interview in the am (more secret!) and the car is going to pick me up from my interview instead of from here, thus I avoid having to awkwardly explain to Sam why I would prefer my own car.

I am on my way to Kinko's now to fax over some stuff. They're giving me $150 for my trubs....LOVE fame! I wonder what kind of schwag they give you in the green room?

Also, my site meter tells me how people came to my blog. Apparently someone googled "vermin extermination guilt". My blog comes up as the 3rd result.


Marissa said...

Oh my god! Already!? Well. I hardly had time to prepare.

Caitastrophe said...

me neither, that's why I had to buy Spanx today rather than lose my intended 5 pounds.